The So and So Series



Poetry by Joe Fletcher * Dara Wier * Joseph P. Wood

Saturday * September 17th * 8:00pm * Morning Times * 10 E. Hargett Street * Raleigh, NC

Joe Fletcher is the author of two chapbooks, Already It Is Dusk, from Brooklyn Arts Press, and Sleigh Ride, published by Factory Hollow Press. Other work of his can be found at jubilat, Octopus,Slope, Hoboeye, Poetry International, Hollins Critic, Puerto del Sol, and elsewhere. He lives in Carrboro, NC.

Dara Wier is the author of numerous collections of poetry, including most recently, Selected Poems (Wave Books, 2009), encompassing work from 1977 through 2006. Her poetry has been supported by fellowships and awards from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and the American Poetry Review. Her work has appeared in American Poetry Review, Boston Review, Conduit, Denver Quarterly, The Fairytale Review, Hollins Critic, jubilat, New American Writing, slope and Volt,among other magazines. She teaches workshops and form and theory seminars and directs the MFA program for poets and writers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and co-directs the University of Massachusetts' Juniper Initiative for Literary Arts and Action. Each June she teaches a poetry workshop for the Juniper Summer Institute. Her editing work includes publishing limited edition chapbooks and broadsides with Factory Hollow Press, North Amherst, Massachusetts, a small independent press she co-edits with Emily Pettit and Guy Pettit. Along with James Haug and James Tate she edits the University of Massachusetts Press Juniper Series for poetry.

Joseph P. Wood is the author of two books of poetry, Fold of the Map (Salmon Poetry) and I & We (CW Books). He also has published five chapbooks; recent poems or essays have appeared in journals such as Boston Review, BOMB, Hotel Amerika, Arts & Letters Daily, Verse, among others. He is an instructor at The University of Alabama in the English Department, where he co-created Slash Pine Projects, an undergrad internship dedicated to book arts, community arts events, and—particularly exciting for him—undergrad artist exchanges, where students from two schools write and perform their work together.