The So and So Series


So and So #26

Paige Ackerson-Kiely * Zachary Schomburg * Janaka Stucky

Saturday * June 7th * 8pm * The Distillery * 516 East Second Street * South Boston, MA 02127

Feel free to bring booze and snacks.

Paige Ackerson-Kiely is the author of a collection of poetry, In No One's Land, winner of the Sawtooth Prize and published by Ahsahta Press. She lives with her family in rural Vermont and works as a clerk.

Zachary Schomburg is the author of a book of poems, The Man Suit (Black Ocean 2007), the co-editor of an online poetry magazine, Octopus, and the co-editor of a small poetry press, Octopus Books. Poems from his new manuscript, Scary, No Scary, are in Denver Quarterly and Born, among others. His collaborations with Emily Kendal Frey are in Diode, Sir!, and Pilot. His translations of the Russian poet Andrei Sen-Senkov are forthcoming in Circumference and Mantis. He is a PhD student at the University of Nebraska.

Janaka Stucky is the founder and managing editor of Black Ocean, and publishes the magazine Handsome. Since receiving his BFA from Emerson and an MFA in Poetry from Vermont College in 2003, he remains rooted in Boston—spending his life traveling, writing, and caring for the dead. Some of his poems have appeared in: Denver Quarterly, No Tell Motel, North American Review, Redivider, and VOLT.


Pics from So and So #25

Thanks to Bob and Mary for their Rope-A-Dope-ness, to Scott for the gorgeous design work on this month's broadside, and to Jennifer and Sarah for their readings. We missed you, Dottie!

Scott Chasse's redunkulous broadside. He brought some rad t-shirts he made too. I got one. It had Britney, Paris, and Lindsay on it. That's right. Color you jealous.

Jennifer Firestone ripping the tape in us.

Sarah Rosenthal, conference Trevor, and college Trevor.



Jennifer Firestone * Dorothea Lasky * Sarah Rosenthal

Saturday * May 17th * 8pm * The Distillery * 516 East Second Street * South Boston, MA 02127

Feel free to bring booze and snacks.

Jennifer Firestone is the co-editor of Letters To Poets: Conversations About Poetics, Politics, and Community, forthcoming in October from Saturnalia Books. She is the author of Holiday (published by Shearsman Books), Waves (published by Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs), and From Flashes and snapshot (both published by Sona Books). Her work has appeared in HOW2, LUNGFULL!, Can We Have Our Ball Back, Fourteen Hills, MIPOesias Magazine, Dusie, 580 Split, Saint Elizabeth Street and others. She is the Poet in Residence at Eugene Lang College (The New School For Liberal Arts), and she lives in Brooklyn with her husband and their infant twins.

Dorothea Lasky is the author of AWE (Wave Books, 2007). Currently, she lives in Philadelphia, where she studies creativity and education.

Sarah Rosenthal is the author of How I Wrote This Story (Margin to Margin, 2001), sitings (a+bend, 2000), not-chicago (Melodeon, 1998), and Manhatten (Spuyten Duyvil, forthcoming). Her poetry, fiction, reviews, essays, and interviews have appeared in numerous journals including How(2), Bird Dog, Fence, Lungfull, Denver Quarterly, and Boston Review. Her poetry has been anthologized in Bay Poetics (Faux Press, 2006), The Other Side of the Postcard (City Lights, 2005), and hinge (Crack Press, 2002). Sarah has created a commissioned, multimedia installation based on her poetry for the San Francisco Exploratorium Museum. She is the recipient of the Leo Litwak Fiction Award, the Primavera Fiction Prize, and a grant-supported writing residency at the Vermont Studio Center. Her collection of interviews, A Community Writing Itself: Conversations with Avant-Garde Writers of the Bay Area, is currently being considered by several publishers. She writes curricula on writing and reading for the Developmental Studies Center, a nonprofit publishing house, and teaches creative writing at San Francisco State University.