The So and So Series
She's Only Seventeen
Man, I miss Winger. Anyway, thanks to everyone who came out to bear (bare?) witness to So and So #17. Mary and Bob and the rest of The Distillery gang were terriic hosts, and our all-Massachusetts line-up was on point, like House of Pain. Stay tuned for Cat's Manila Broadsides and the podcasts for this one.
So and So is 16...going on 17
We couldn't book Rolf and Liesl to help us mark the occasion, but we did get three dope readers: Michael Carr, C.S. Carrier, and Lori Shine.
Saturday, September 15th * 8pm * The Distillery * For directions, go here.
Michael Carr is the author of Softer White, published earlier this year by House Press, and Platinum Blonde , a chapbook of poems and collages (Fewer & Further Press, 2006). He has edited a manuscript journal of John Wieners' called A book of PROPHECIES, which was published this summer by Bootstrap Productions. With Dorothea Lasky he co-edits Katalanché Press, co-curates the Plough & Stars Reading Series with John Mulrooney, and lives in Cambridge, Mass.
C. S. Carrier was born in Dayton, Ohio and grew up in Waynesville, North Carolina. He holds degrees from Western Carolina University and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. His work has appeared in many journals, including 6x6, American Letters and Commentary, Coconut, LIT, Pleiades, Verse, and Word For/Word. He’s the author of The 16s (Katalanche Press, 2007), Lyric (horse less press, 2007), and After Dayton (Four Way Books, forthcoming 2008). He teaches at the University of Hartford in West Hartford, Connecticut.
Lori Shine's chapbook Coming Down in White was recently published by Pilot Books. Her poems have appeared (or shortly will) in 6x6, APR, Boston Review, Conduit, H_NGM_N, New American Writing, and other magazines, and in the anthology Isn't It Romantic: 100 Love Poems by Younger American Poets. She is Managing Editor of Wave Books and lives in Easthampton, Massachusetts.