poetry by Matt Mauch & Matt Rasmussen
Saturday * June 9 * 8:00pm * Morning Times * 10 E. Hargett Street * Raleigh, NC
Mauch is the author of Prayer Book (Lowbrow Press) and the forthcoming chapbook The
Brilliance of the Sparrow (Mondo Bummer). His poems have appeared in Salt Hill, NOÖ Journal, H_NGM_N, DIAGRAM, Willow Springs, The
Los Angeles Review, South Dakota Review, Sonora Review, Connotation Press,
Water~Stone Review, Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, ILK, InDigest, Spinning Jenny, and elsewhere. Host of
the various readings that comprise the Great Twin Cities Poetry Read (GTCPR)
& Road Show, and editor of the annual anthology Poetry City, USA, Mauch teaches in the
AFA program at Normandale Community College. He lives in Minneapolis.

Matt Rasmussen’s poetry has been recently published in Gulf Coast, Cimarron Review, Water~Stone
Review, H_NGM_N, Paper Darts, and at Poets.org.
He’s received awards, grants, and residencies from The Bush Foundation, The
Minnesota State Arts Board, and The Corporation of Yaddo. He is a 2012 McKnight
Artist Fellow, a former Peace Corps Volunteer, and teaches at Gustavus Adolphus
College. His first book of poems, Black
Aperture, won the 2012 Walt Whitman Award and will be published in spring
of 2013 by LSU Press. He’s a founding co-editor of Birds, LLC, a small, independent poetry press.